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Los Angeles, California
I am 47 and thriving in Southern California. One day at a time.
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Monday, December 12, 2011

blogless 3: living vicariously through your dog

i leave rehab in approximately 40 hours...

i am excited, so if i had a tail, i would wag it. instead, i drink a lot of coffee...

i am skittish, so my ears hang low and my body flinches, (and quite frankly, sometimes i pee a little in my pants)...

i am meditating now, so i often stare for hours at a rock, and then attempt to eat it...

i do yoga, so of course my favorite pose is downward dog, as it shows off my best ass(et)...

i have many, new friends in rehab and we like to greet each other by sniffing, because our sweats are dirty, stained, worn out and can be smelled from the moon...

i am experiencing intense emotions that have been suppressed for years, such as: "oh, my, god, you're home?" to "oh, my, god, you're leaving?" back to "oh, my, god, you're home?"...

i now like to run up to people at aa meetings, squealing and barking with enthusiasm about our common trek through recovery (almost as good as a walk in the park)...

being in the moment, with no expectations, is the only way i can survive this....the way maggie stops at a tree, hoping it will smell like pee, but feeling free to move on if it doesn't...

and i am so nervous about my new life that i took not one, but two crater-shaped shits in the living room today...

[actually, that one was maggie, not me...but i followed suit soon after.]

ah, there's nothing like a big ol', satisfying dump to help you be at one with your god...

and nothing like a dog to help you find it...


  1. I beamed at your canine-like poo and pee references. There's nothing that makes me love you more!

    Can't wait to gallop and sniff and urinate with you on the outside (even if your sweats do smell)....xoxo

  2. I could tell that we’re on the same interest and obsession. Good to know someone I could share my ideas. Looking forward to know and learn some more from you. I'll be glad to share my own thoughts to you soon. Thank you for sharing such valuable articles. More power!
