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Los Angeles, California
I am 47 and thriving in Southern California. One day at a time.
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

In Bloom

Yes, the last two entries have been stuffed full of complex medical and philosophical musings. But I do have my lighter moments. Truly.

And so today I choose to take a cue from from friend R. with whom I had dinner the other night. Her lack of worry amazes me, for I believe it to be completely genuine. It's a state in which I aspire to reside.

And so I'd like to share one of my most recent joyous moments.

Back in April my doctor called with a creatinine result of 1.6 (normal range 0.5-1.4). After peaking at 3.2, my joy was not to be contained.

Kevin took me on a mini spring vaca to The Four Seasons in West Lake Village to celebrate.

We're not going to talk about my recent 2.8 creatinine.

We're not going to talk about all the side effects I'm experiencing.

And we're not going to talk about what lies ahead.

Right now, I just want to stop and smell the flowers...

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